These are all photos from Silver Lake. The climbs at Potter Mountain to be exact. Enjoy!
Me on the first pitch of the Brazillian

Oh what fun! The blind no. 5 Camalot placement is always fun.

It takes great gear. See?

It's getting harder...

Phew, got it.

Come on up Rich! Notice the neatly trimmed pine above me?

Tom leading
Stop Making Sense. You can see the first pitch of the
Brazillian in the background.

My new Tusk rope with my old Tusker Beer shirt. They are both yellow.

Shangri-la in all its glory. If you look, you can see several climbers on a second pitch on the right-hand side.

A bunch of SLU kids getting together for dinner after a sick day of climbing. Uh-huh.
boy howdy i could use some more pictures of this silver lake place... ps. sending temps in texas are here.
hey those pics are sick. it takes a talented man to make someTHING as hideous as that mr. littleton look respectable. on a serious note, put more of your life on the internet; i know you've done wild and crazy things since oct. 12. - peter
I have done some wild and crazy things. It sucks being lazy sometimes. I promise though, I'll try harder.
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