Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A rest day

Sometimes, it's nice to go to a cliff that is close. And that is clean. And it's nice to know how or safe a route is too. So, Rich and I took a rest from first ascending and went to the Beer Walls.

We did Frosted Mug first, then I tried Pat's Blue Ribbon. It's a sport climb that goes up through a steep cave called the Clutch and Cruise Cave. I'd tried it a couple times before, but could never pull through the crux. But yesterday I figured out how to do the heinous third clip, and did all the moves for the first time, which was sweet. I'd never gotten to the top of a 12b before, so that was exciting. I few more tries and I think I can send.

After that we capped it off with a relaxed ascent of Rockaholic, which is m-fing sweet. Not a bad day for sure.

Time to go do some scrubbing.

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