Friday, July 16, 2010

Potter with Colin

Tuesday, Colin and I both had the whole day off so we got up early and headed out to Potter Mountain. There was 80% chance of rain for the day, which was a bummer and things looked pretty wet, but we went for it anyway. Brutus (Colin's dog) came up with us and on the hike he was out horsefly magnet. There were probably 20 horseflies swarming around him the entire way up.

The cliff was dry when we got up there. Colin had never done the top pitch of Groovitational Pull, and I had never done Every Inch Counts so we went up there with the goal of doing those climbs. The top of Groovitational was just a little wet, and there was a bunch of wind, so we did the first pitch and then did Positive Latitude (5.9). Then I led Every Inch Counts (5.10a sandbag), which is super awesome. It's probably one of the more exciting leads on the whole cliff.

After that, we top-roped some potential new climbs, both of which were pretty good. Unfortunately the were only ok and they were kind of crowding some of the other lines, so we decided to let them be for now.

By that time the top of Groovitational was dry enough, so Colin led it. I still think that is one of the cooler pitches up there. Actually the whole cliff is so awesome. All in all we did 6 pitches. Not a bad day.

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