High Exposure in the Gunks

Climbing in the Todra Gorge, Morocco

Matt Climbing on the Star Action in the Gunks

Me leading the fourth pitch of Fiddler on the Roof, Red Rocks

A new climb at Silver Lake

Come one, come all! Check it. No specious claims or spurious allegations. Just ranting, rambling and rambunctious daily trip reports coupled with other random and usually uninteresting life events like making beer, or building a truck, or writing run-on sentences in March with good weather so that maybe I can go climbing. Please feel free to enjoy!
the picture of matt on star action is pretty sweet! - mags
You climbed Fiddler on the Roof!!!
looking good. i've gotta climb more...
could be wrong, i been that before, but i think i snapped the star action shot. but perhaps i've just re-proportioned my chronology once again. -peter
and yes charlie, you gotta climb more
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