The heat has come with full vengeance, and so on Friday we went to Lost City with thoughts of post-climbing swimming at the Coxing Kill. We started out at Old Lost City with some warming up. Did all the problems on the warm up boulder and then we moved over to Middle LC. There we did some sight seeing and looked at some cool problems including Stand Up Start Button (crazy V5 slab highball) and Ideas are Bulletproof (crazy V10 highball which appears in Dosage V).
After that we went over to New Lost City and we worked a little bit on Funny Killer (V8), which is one of my current projects. I cruised to the crux move a few times and I feel like I'm getting pretty close to it for sure.
With the heat starting to get overbearing, we did a little bit more and then went swimming!! After that it was time for me to go to work. Boo, work.

It turned out that I didn't have to work on Sunday, which was pretty cool. Well, the weather was still pretty hot, but it was neat-o that I didn't have to work so that I could go climbing instead! Chris, Kasia, Margaret and I all went out to Northeast and did some more bouldering. We started on the right side and warmed up a bit and then headed over to Megan Fox (V5). Chris "pretty much got it" and Kas and Mags worked a bunch of the moves.

After that we made the short hike over to the Schwapple boulder which after some beta figuring out, Chris made short work of the stand start (V5).
Chris on the Scwapple.

After that we walked over to the left side and Margaret and I showed Chris and Kas the problems the we put up recently: The Sloth (V1) and The Ruin Sage (V3). They are both pretty fun boulder problems. Enough fun, in fact to do them twice in a row!
Of course, what memorial day weekend isn't complete with out some grilling? After doing the boulderzzzz, we came home, had a beer, got the tubes out, and floated down the creek. Then we got the knives out, the charcoal lit, and had ourselves a good old fashioned American cook-out. Yum to the max.
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