Monday, June 13, 2011

A shout out.

Check this out:

Ryan, the author of Big Foot Mountain Guides, always has good insightful things to say. This post is particularly good I think. I've been transitioning into a grigri only lifestyle recently, and I have to say, I like it.

Just last month I was climbing Crisscross Direct (5.10a). I had topped out and was belaying my friend Kasia up, using the grigri. She got about five moves past the first belay and out of nowhere, it started to rain. Like rain really hard with cold, fat raindrops. She managed to climb most of the way up before the holds, her hands, and shoes were soaked. But, I just lowered the break strand down to her, and I pulled on her end, and she belayed/pulleyed her way up -- no big deal.

Yay grigri.

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