Saturday, March 5, 2011

Classic Cragging.

The climbing season is not quite in full swing yet. It's certainly approaching, however, even if it's not quite quickly enough for my tastes. I keep thinking that 35 degrees is plenty warm for climbing and then realize that my fingers are numb and my toes hurt and all that jazz. That said, I got out a few times in the past days to do some single-pitch cragging.

On Wednesday, Margaret and I got out in the Trapps for a couple hours. I'd never done Classic which, as the name suggests, is a classic 5.7 Gunks climb. It starts with a hard move right off the ground (classic) and then moves up through a very enjoyable face littered with horizontals (classic), and finishes with a roof with Pamela Anderson sized jugs (classic!). It doesn't get much more (C)lassic than that.

After that we packed our bags for the long approach to our next climb, City Lights (5.8), which was about one minute forty-seven seconds away. It again has some hard moves right off the deck and then some spicy run-out face climbing above. Fun. After that we did Frog's Head which was 20 feet right of City Lights. Classic.

Yesterday Matt and I went out for some more classic cragging. (Matt just arrived from the north-country, where he recently ascended Positive Thinking, a 500 foot NEI 5-. *Way* to go!) After picking up some paint from town for our new apartment, we headed out to the workout wall in the Nears with intentions of lapping 'til our arms fell of. We started with Birdland (5.8) which is very much fun. Then we set a TR on Transcontinental Nailway (5.10c). After that we were going to do El Camino/El Kabong, but it was too cold. So we didn't.

It's official, by the way. Matt and I are now living in Rosendale above Margaret's apartment.


Anonymous said...

This is a great way to find out what Matt is doing.


shawangunks climbing said...

This is a great way to find out what Matt is doing.

Uncle Ben said...

With no job comes great blogging responsibility.