Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The first couple of days...

SO, finally got moved into the new house in New Paltz the week of August 21. Took a while to get settled, but thinks are finally coming together. Matt and I have been able to get out a couple of times since moving in.

Charlie came down before school started back up and we did some climbing in the Nears. It was my first time over there so that was pretty cool. Charlie linked the first and second pitch of a climb called Disneyland, 5.6- PG. Awesome climbing. Then we did a climb called called Layback, 5.5 PG which was pretty cool. It had a weird chimney in the beginning, which Matt led. And I got to lead the second pitch, which was my second lead ever! Woohoo! Again, great climbing.

We did a little bit of bouldering at Peterskill periodically throughout the next week or so, which was nice. Certainly got antsy to do some more leading.

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