Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back in Wilmington

So lets see here...I left my parents house on Thursday and drove to New Paltz to do some climbing with Margaret. We ended up going to this new-ish place at Bonticou called Northeast. Did a sweet problem called Megan Fox (V5), and then checked out this place with a huuuuuge roof. Like way cool. Worked on some stuff in there for a while (it's all pretty hard), and then called it a day.

Woke up Friday morning and drove North. Matt and Rich and our buddy Mark were all climbing at Potter Mountain, so I drove straight there and met them up at the cliff. With Mark I climbed Garden of Leadin' (5.10b) and Piece Out (5.10b). Both really really good...I think Piece Out might be one of my favs up there at Shangri La.

Yesterday we did a little bit of climbing with Katie Craig up at the Center of Progress cliff. Matt tried to get Rock Hangers clean, and was super close. Then we went over to the Princess Leah area, and did a couple of those routes, which are always fun.

After that we came back to the house for some lunch and then headed over to Beaver Brook for some climbing. I did Good to the Last Drop (5.10d), which is awesome and then Rich set up the top-rope on the currently un-bolted project over there. What a sick line, holy crap. Can't wait to get to work on that thing for real. Anyone got any bolts/drill?

1 comment:

Charlie Harman said...

the roof looks way too cool, those bassforyourface guys have some pretty neat vids of it.