So, last spring I bought my grandmother's truck. It's a 2002 Toyota Tacoma with 4wd and when I bought it, it only had 11,000 miles on it. I asked for a cap for my Christmas/Birthday present, and I got one! Yay! I just picked it up a few days ago. It has a raised roof and a roof rack...making it the perfect road trip vehicle...

We didn't have much of a plan on how to actually turn it into a road trip vehicle. I had seen a couple of examples here and there, and I knew I wanted it to be loosely constructed around the plastic bins that holds most of my climbing gear.

So with that in mind, I got to work. After cutting some plywood framing pieces, I used a blow torch to bend some "j-hooks." I also cut some angle iron brackets and connected those to the plywood. I actually cut threads using a tap to eliminate some of the bulky nuts.

So this is where things are now. I'm currently trying to brainstorm the lids/sleeping platform. I want to be able to seal the lids so they don't bounce all over the place and I haven't quite come up with a solution yet. I'm sure it will come to me though. Stay tuned for the finished product.